Announcements: New Website, July Break, And Upcoming "Blacklist" Series
Hi everyone. We have a few announcements to make about the podcast.
First, we have a brand new website! It’s at You can listen to all of our episodes there, read transcripts for each show, and see some of the art we’ve been talking about. Check it out!
Second, last week’s episode was the final one in our series about A Fence Around The Torah, the Jewish Museum of Maryland’s latest contemporary art exhibit. Thank you to all of our guests on this series who were so generous with their time. And thank you for listening!
And third, we are taking a break from releasing new episodes of Disloyal during the month of July. But we aren’t taking a break from working on the podcast. We’ll be producing a new series of episodes inspired by Blacklist: The Hollywood Red Scare, the exhibit currently on view at the Jewish Museum of Maryland through October 31st, 2022.
Blacklist is an original exhibit created by and on loan from Jewish Museum Milwaukee. It tells the story of the Hollywood Red Scare, when actors, screenwriters, directors, and others were banned from working in the mid-twentieth century US film industry because they were suspected of being Communists or Communist sympathizers. We’ll use the exhibit as a launchpad for talking about how the history of the Hollywood Red Scare resonates today. This new series, by the way, will feature more of our assistant producer Naomi Weintraub.
The Blacklist series will start hitting your podcast feeds in August.
Until then, keep cool, stay hydrated, and take care.
Hi everyone, this is Mark Gunnery, host of Disloyal. And I have a few announcements to make.
First, we have a brand new website! It’s at disloyal podcast dot com. You can listen to all of our episodes there, read transcripts for each show, and see some of the art we’ve been talking about. Again, that’s disloyal podcast dot com. Check it out!
Second, last week’s episode was the final one in our series about A Fence Around The Torah, the Jewish Museum of Maryland’s latest contemporary art exhibit. Thank you to all of our guests on this series who were so generous with their time. And thank you for listening!
I want to thank everyone who shared their feedback on this first series. It helps us make the show better. If you have any feedback, please email us at disloyal at And if you haven’t yet, rate and review us on whatever podcast app you listen to us on. It really helps more listeners find the show.
And third, we are taking a break from releasing new episodes of Disloyal during the month of July. But we aren’t taking a break from working on the podcast. We’ll be producing a new series of episodes inspired by Blacklist: The Hollywood Red Scare, the exhibit currently on view at the Jewish Museum of Maryland through October 31st, 2022.
Blacklist is an original exhibit created by and on loan from Jewish Museum Milwaukee. It tells the story of the Hollywood Red Scare, when actors, screenwriters, directors, and others were banned from working in the mid-twentieth century U.S. film industry because they were suspected of being Communists or Communist sympathizers. We’ll use the exhibit as a launchpad for talking about how the history of the Hollywood Red Scare resonates today. This new series, by the way, will feature more of our assistant producer Naomi Weintraub.
The Blacklist series will start hitting your podcast feeds in August.
Until then, you can keep up with us on disloyal podcast dot com, follow us on Twitter at jewishmuseummd, or on Instagram at jewishmuseum_md.
Thank you to everyone for listening.
Until August, keep cool, stay hydrated, and take care.